Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is a tumorous condition that arises when abnormal cells begin to grow in the thyroid gland. The gland resembles a butterfly shape located infront of the neck. This is originated from follicular and parafollicular cells. This can be detected in the early stage and can be cured in the early stage. This cancer may revert back after the treatment after many years or immediately. The causes are detected as the changes in the DNA in the cells that are likely to inherit from one generation to the other generation. The malignant tumors can be removed by a process known as thyroidectomy followed by the radioactive iodine ablation and TSH suppression therapy. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy can also be done during the metastasis stage or the advanced cancer stage

  • Papillary thyroid cancer
  • Follicular thyroid cancer
  • Anaplastic thyroid cancer
  • Medullary thyroid cancer

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